How To Cook Chicken Soaked In Buttermilk

Ingredients (for 3 people)

Bird thigh1 sheet
@ Salt and peppera little
@ Garlic powdera little
@ Crazy salta little
@ Nutmega little
Fried oilAppropriate amount

How to make

1. Divide the chicken thigh into 3 equal parts, put them in a bowl, sprinkle with @, and knead.

2. Add milk and yogurt, mix until smooth and liquid, then wrap and let sit overnight to 1 day.

3. When the pickling is finished, mix the flour and @ (adding spices to the clothes again to make the taste even deeper) to make the powder for clothes.

4. Deep-fried in 180° oil and it's done.

5. Freshly fried may not be cooked to the inside, so leave it for about 10 minutes before eating.

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